When can I start?
New to skating, or just new to roller derby? Our new skater camps start each quarter so you can begin your skating journey!
New Skater Camps 2024-2025. New ten week sessions start on: February 2, 2025
Cost: $189. Fall camp runs Feb. 2-May 4 (No camp on Feb 23, March 23, April 13 & 20). Final session includes assessments for moving onto a team!
New Skater camps are zero contact and focus on skating skills, safety, and fun! Each camp is ten weeks long. Each week focuses on a different set of skating skills to get your skater ready for any kind of skating they want to pursue. Skills include but are not limited to: Starts, stops, balance, footwork, falls & recovery, transitions, and backwards skating. Each camps ends with an assessment to track progress. Camps can be repeated to increase skills, or skater can advance into our roller derby program or onto their next skating adventure! Register for new skater camp or email info@mobcitymisfits.com to more information. Returning to derby with previous experience? Read about transfer/returning skaters below.
Our camps teach you the skills you need to be a great roller skater and prepare you to move on to trail skating, skate parks, open skate, figure skating, and more… Or graduate into our positional-blocking only roller derby team, the Mob City Punks! If you have any questions, please email info@mobcitymisfits.com.
Details about gear requirements can be found at the bottom of this page. We do not have skates or protective gear available for rental. Please email us if you need help acquiring gear for camp. Locally we recommend: Get Your Bearings – off 145th in NE Seattle
Transfers & Returning Skaters
Mob City takes a whole skater approach. We sort our skaters based on skill level and not age. Instead of tryouts, we will offer assessments for transferring skaters so we can place them with the appropriate level team. This means that sometimes there are older skaters who are working their way up and younger skaters playing at the same skill level, on the same teams. We are careful to place skaters in the appropriate skill level and work diligently to foster their growth. With excellent coaching staff for each level, skaters can expect to receive a positive learning experience. If you are interested in a mid-season transfer or are a returning Mob skater for the 2024-2025 season, please email coaches@mobcitymisfits.com to set up an assessment. Assessments for the current season may not be available for all teams after February 1st.
Registration Links
Upon registration, parents will be emailed an invoice through Quickbooks for the yearly registration and season or session dues. Payments are due on receipt. Mob City is a pay-to-play league. Financial assistance and/or payment arrangements are available. Please email treasurer@mobcitymisfits.com for more information.
League member requirements and dues
Skaters must have a primary health insurance
Skaters must have a liability waiver signed by their parent/guardian before participating in any Mob City practice.
See the Parent’s Page for registration details. All skaters must register prior to attending practices. We do not have drop-in options at this time.
Practice Times and Locations for 2023-2024 Season
*Season runs September 10th – May 5th unless noted
New Skater Camps aka Goons (level 1):
- Winter/Spring Session Feb 2 – May 4 1:30 – 3:20 pm
- Autumn Session Sept 2025 – Nov 2025
Punks (level 2):
- Sunday: 3:40 – 5:40 pm at Northgate Community Center
- Wednesdays: 4pm-6pm at Lynnwood Bowl and Skate
- Sunday: 6:00 – 8:00 pm at Northgate Community Center
- Wednesdays: 4pm-6pm at Lynnwood Bowl and Skate
Monthly Dues:
Yearly registration fee of $50 per skater
Goons: $189 per session
Punks: $630 per season
Misfits: $750 per season
Need a scholarship? We can help. Email treasurer@mobcitymisfits.com for more information or fill out the scholarship form below.
Scholarship Form
What gear do I need to start?
Whether you join for fun, to become an all-star, or to just try it out and learn something new, there are a few items you will need before hitting the floor at practice. Required gear: quad roller skates, helmet, mouthguard, and knee, elbow, and wrist guards. Just make sure to bring a water bottle, and comfortable athletic clothing (no jeans).
All equipment can be found at your local sporting goods shops. There are a few options in our area. We recommend Get Your Bearings Skate Shop because their staff knows skating and roller derby very well.
Get Your Bearings – off 145th in NE Seattle
Dick’s Sporting Goods – Northgate Plaza

This is a Mob city skater, in full protective gear that is required to play!
There are variety of helmets out there. Helmets should be designed for impact. Bike, skate, and hockey helmets are all good choices. Do not buy used helmets, once they take hard impact, they should be replaced.
Mouthguards do not just protect teeth, but help prevent concussions from hard falls or hits. High quality mouthguards are important if your skater is playing a contact sport. Well fitting mouthguards are more likely to stay in and protect the skater.
There are companies (like Sisu) that have moldable mouthguards that are custom fit to the skaters teeth. If you wear braces, you should consult your orthodontist regarding the proper mouthguard to get, and for assistance with fitting it.
Wrist, Elbow, and Knee guards
Good fitting protective pads will stay in place properly during skills and game play. As skaters progress to full contact derby, thicker pads will offer better protection from falls. Please clean gear regularly throughout the season and be sure that skater air out pads and do not leave them contained in bags during the week.
Water Bottle
Practices can be long (most practices are scheduled for about 2 hours), and particularly during the summer they can get hot. It is important to stay hydrated and skaters should have a water bottle for all practices and games. We strongly recommend that water bottles be clearly marked so that it’s easy to tell which water bottle is yours.